Help us getting SunAge on Steam

We posted SunAge: Battle for Elysium on Steam Greenlight.
Please vote for us here to get it on Steam!

Steam is quite THE ONE distribution platform for real PC & Mac games, so we really need to be there. Tell all your friends about it, and get them to vote too. It would mean so much to us.

SunAge available in the Mac App Store

Wahooooo ! SunAge is up and running in the Mac App Store. Juuuuust right on time ! Was a damn tough ride the last months.

On a side note: The porting to MacOsX went surprisingly smooth and only took me about 8.5 weeks.

SunAge goes Mac

Listen up, troops !! The amazing team of vertex4 (that's me) is hilariously happy to announce: SunAge is reaching out to rock the world of MacOs. The insane act of porting has already started a month ago and is going far better than anticipated (wooha - now that's something new for a change). Keep your eyes peeled and fingers crossed so we may have a pre-XMas release.

Vertex4 ist 'Windows 8 App Hero'

Yeehaaaaaw, we're now officially 'Windows 8 app hero'. Microsoft loves us. That one definitly was a nice interview. A must-read for all ppl being able to comprehend lots'o'english words...

New website online

Oh well, now this took me a while!

BUT: the new website is finally online and you can now purchase SunAge: Battle for Elysium directly from the developer.
(100% DRM Free, compatible with Windows 7/8 or MacOsX).

Have fun looking around, tell me what you think, hop over to the forums or just buy a bunch of copies of sweet sweet RTS awesomeness.

Windows 8 major update

Heydihoe, my dear folks, the update in the windows 8 store is available - fixing rare occuring bugs, adding some niceties, aaaand improving overall performance. Get it NOW, have fun THEN !

SunAge is #10 in Windows 8 Store

TADAAAAHH ! SunAge is currently ranked an amazing #10 of ~8000 in the Windows 8 Store. Ah, and yes, its on sale this week. Crazy us.

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